July 2, 2008

Step into the night

Gotta love the daily blogging. Hope all you silent non-commenters are doing well!

So to keep your music neediness satisfied, I've got yet another one for you today.

Today's spotlight is on The Shins' song, Saint Simon.

This song is on the 2003 album, Chutes Too Narrow.

This song makes you feel the mood of sarcasm almost. The electric guitar pops in a cord every second beat, so the singing and bass guitar really set the tune. There's also so many words, it's almost like the singer is speaking the lyrics.

It may sound like this song is fast paced, and by definition it is, but it has a more lazy "feel" to it. There's one part where the background vocals are just saying, Lalalalalalalalala... But during that part the drums are still pounding the semi-fast beat.
They somehow manage to make it fit with the song in a unique way though.

It's one of those songs that makes you feel creative, like a few of my other posts. It's probably good to listen to when painting or drawing.

I know this one is shorter than yesterday's, but it's a little difficult to write 12 paragraphs about one song!

Click here for their website. It's pretty creative compared to others I've seen. By the way, all their music is available on my favorite invention of all time.....iTunes.
If you don't have it, GET IT.

More tomorrow!

Mucho love,

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