October 7, 2008

I work nights at the super station...

Hey hey! I heard about a really unique band, so when I checked them out I knew I had to share.

They are called The Wartime Blues. The main song I want to focus on today is Memorial Day 1968.

This is a nice, fun fast-paced song that changes to slow in the middle. Then it picks up. It's just awesome. It has your typical rock instruments but a cello added in. It blends perfectly. I can't help but dance a little in my seat while listening to it!

This band is inspired by pre-war recordings (what war, I'm not sure...), but this gives us a very original style. I haven't heard anything like this before.

Another song I would strongly recommend is Harelip. It's very soulful. And pretty.

And guess what? They aren't on iTunes! But you can hear their songs on the myspace or at SnowGhost Music.

Here's the myspace.

Definitely check these guys out. :)

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