June 27, 2008

How Do You Pronounce It?

Well, I couldn't wait a few days to make this post because this artist has got to be the most original I have ever heard. So I'm really excited about this one!

His name is Sufjan Stevens. The main album of his that we are focusing on today is the 2005 record, Come on Feel The Illinoise! The entire album is inspired by the state of Illinois (one of my favorite places on Earth). This record is extremely complex, with 22 songs. Many are 20-second fillers, but they fit in with the song before and the song after it. The whole CD is like listening to one long symphony because, though as unique and original as each song is, they all mesh to form one story progressing. My dad describes it as "quirky."

There's a cornucopia of instruments, sounds, and voices laced within each song. Favorites include piano, trumpets, and various strings. He also uses chimes, hand-clapping, and a flute.

Some things he uses, such as the use of voice and piano, are used very subtly but carry a huge feeling behind them. Others, such as trumpets, are played loudly to contrast the softness. But each carry the same amount of feeling and meaning. An electric guitar is used to full potential in The Man of Metropolis Steals Our Hearts.The song then reverts back to his peaceful,hypnotic voice and silent choir. Next it goes back to the guitar AND the choir. The rest of the song keeps changing pace and mood throughout. But it all goes together perfectly.

Each song is widely different, with various moods as well. The record starts out fast and exciting, then as the songs go on it becomes slow and somber. Then once again, through the filler songs, it picks up the pace again. It's as if Sufjan goes through every mood that a human can possibly feel. The songs can also make you feel a mood you may have never felt before. There's always the basic feelings: mad, sad, glad. But he explores the complexity of how our species work, by communicating all of those in between moods you didn't know you had.

This album does capture the whole vibe of Illinois, including songs about lesser-known places, such as Peoria and Decatur.

My favorite though, would have to be either Chicago or The Predatory Wasp of The Palisades is Out To Get Us! The latter is the most amazing and complex song I've ever heard. It's hard to believe someone could make a song so eclectic, yet meshable. (yes I made up a word)

I recommend buying the CD at the store though. If you want to buy all the 20 second fillers on iTunes go ahead. But if you don't, then you are missing essential pieces to fit this complex puzzle.
It's a great album to listen to while driving for a long time or writing a paper.

Here's his website.
Well, technically it's his label's website, but look on the right for a list of their artists and you can find him.

Somehow, a group of kids managed to sing it A Capella, making instrument noises as well.
Click here to view the video.

SO, have fun, it's a great album and I know you'll enjoy it.

Please comment! If you have any suggestions, just throw them out there.

P.S. it's pronounced Soofyan for those who were wondering :)

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